
Get everything you need and create an awesome website

What we do

Set your own header picture

Add picture put description over the image

What we do

Add icons to your website

What we do
CreativityHomepage version

Homepage version


The above configuration of the Image Show shows the most important features of this style:

  • Possibility of use images and colors in the slides background
  • Support for the icons in the title and text
  • Animated icons
  • Possibility of defining animations for each slide elements


In the above example we have used the following settings

Slide 1

Color: #7484ff

Title: Creativity[anim-slide_left]

Text: [anim-slide_right]Get everything you need and create an awesome website

Slide 2

Image: example_image

Title: Set your own header picture[anim-slide_right]

Text: [anim-slide_left]Add picture put description over the image

Slide 3

Color: #68b5ff

Title: Add icons to your website[anim-scale]

Text: [anim-opacity][icon-mobile-phone,66,wibrateanim2] [icon-heart,66,pulseanim] [icon-bell,66,flickeranim] [icon-spinner,66,spin]

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